Ouija Board for Children? Some thoughts.

If you do a search on amazon you will find a number of Ouija Boards that are aimed at children, in the Toys & Games category.

You can see for yourself >>> Amazon Search Results

This came up as a topic of conversation in one of the groups I am in and I thought you might like to hear some other Pagan views on the use of Ouija Boards for children.

Are Ouija Boards suitable as a toy for Children?

The resounding answer was no, including my response, which I will start with…

The “heck no” responses…

Sarah says:  When I was early in my practice I found myself tangled up with an unpleasant witch, to say the least, not knowing any better and wanting her to like me I agreed to Ouija with her at the local cemetery, it was terrifying, we were lucky that there were no long term ramifications, (or weren’t there). I would never again use one unless I was with someone I trusted and certainly wouldn’t allow children to “play” with one.

Mindy says: They are dangerous uncontrolled doorways not to be messed with as a game. I would NEVER play with one as I have dealt with some of the big nasty entity’s out there and many are scary and hungry with big teeth. Literally……..

Nerys says:  Personally marketing them at kids is wrong especially as they won’t know about closing them etc. I know we do and also pagan kids do, the basic run of the mill kids won’t but I do like the pink lol

The more positive responses…

Any responses without a name I did not receive permission to publish but I liked their thoughts so have given no link to who said them.

“I use these in my circle a lot. It’s a good way to contact people on the other side. But please look up the rules they are extensive.”

“Its not really different than other forms of spiritual communication. Use proper protection, and with discernment.”

“If someone wants to use one, that’s their choice. Kids should have an adult there and be trained on the precautions for safety. I started using when I was very young.”

“I was 5 years old when I found my path, my daughter is 6 and she’s started hers recently, I believe a child should learn early on but with adults supervision of course.”

Closing thoughts…

I guess in a lot of ways I agree with both sides of the argument.  I agree that it should be not sold as a toy.  I am also aware from my own experience that I won’t use one again without an experienced person with me.

Based on that alone, maybe children can use them if supersized properly and taught correctly.

Would you allow your child to use a Ouija Board?

Let me know in the comments.