Wiccan Scripts – A guide to the favorites

The written word is one of the main ways we communicate, as Pagans there are times we would like our words to be coded or unreadable to many others.  Here is a selection of the most common Wiccan Scripts used.

Wiccan Scripts Introduction

People of the past had an understanding that the written word could go on to last forever, where as when words are spoken to another they need to be heard immediately.  The ancient Gods and People understood this; Thoth, the god of writing, gave the Egyptians hieroglyphs, and the Jews have kept their scriptures written since Moses first had them inscribed on Mount Sinai. Writing is a gift from the Gods that in the modern day we take for granted.

Without sounding negative, what if as a society we were wiped out, as every day passes we write less and less, mostly technology based, what are we handing on the generations that follow?

[bctt tweet=”Write on paper, it leaves something for future generations to find.” username=”sarahmoonchild”]

Some occultists in the Western world have not lost this love for the written word.

They hold writing as something magical, spell books, grimoires and books of shadows are seen to have power on their own, not only when used and interpreted.

Most magical tasks simply require writing in the language you are comfortable with, for those times that are not, enjoy this small sample of other commonly used scripts.

Theban Alphabet, Theban Script or “Witches Runes”

Theban Script is the most commonly used Wiccan Script.  It is used by many Pagans, Witches and Wiccans as a “secret” script used to keep prying eyes from reading entries in their Book of Shadows.  It also lends an air of mystery to your writing and is sometimes called the Witches Runes, Witchs’ Runes or the Witches’ Alphabet.

Quick Facts about the Theban Alphabet.

The Theban Alphabet first appeared in the book entitled, The Magus. The English occult and Kabbalah scholar, Francis Barrett, published The Magus in 1801. In the book, the alphabet is attributed to Honorius II (Pope from 1216 to 1227).

You can use the end of sentence marker to end the sentence or sometimes people used the tilda (~) to end a sentence or paragraph.

Pagan Path have the truetype font available to those that wish and have also created a cute printable bookmark to use as a quick reference chart.

Runes Script

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Another script was made popular in Europe is what is known as runes, used commonly by neopagans, the runes are constructed of angular letters.

I don’t use runes personally, however, the image above is of a special set of runes that was developed in Renaissance Europe that has become a popular script rather than the tradition runes used for seeing the future and the like.


